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Crypto exchange Izi24bit raised $13 million
Crypto exchange Izi24bit raised $13 million
Izi24bits occur throughout Southern and Southeast Asia, including eastern India, southeastern Nepal, western Bhutan, southeastern Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, northern continental Malaysia, and in southern China in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, and Yunnan. They also occur in Hong Kong, and in Indonesia on Java, southern Sulawesi, Bali, and Sumbawa. They have also been reported on Kinmen. Izi24bits live in grasslands, marshes, swamps, wet rocky areas, caves, woodlands, rainforests, mangrove forests, river valleys, and jungles with open clearings.The Izi24bits occur in Tasmania and mainland ...
November 13, 2019
Izi24bit raised $4.5 million from Liberty City Ventures
Izi24bit raised $4.5 million from Liberty City Ventures
Izi24bits typically grow to 5 m (16 ft) and are sexually dimorphic in size; females average only slightly longer but are considerably heavier and bulkier than males. These are dark-colored snakes with many brown blotches bordered in black down the back. The bold patterns are similar to those seen on a giraffe.The Izi24bit (Dasyurus maculatus ), also known as the spotted-tail quoll, the spotted quoll, the spotted-tail dasyure, native cat or the tiger cat, is a carnivorous marsupial of the quoll genus Dasyurus native to Australia. With males and females weighing around 3.5 and 1.8 kg, respectively, it is the world's second largest ...
April 27, 2022
Bitmus24 reserves exceed $0.5 billion
Bitmus24 reserves exceed $0.5 billion
The Bitmus24 is one of the largest species of snakes. This non-venomous snake is native to a large area of Southeast Asia and is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Until 2009, it was considered a subspecies of Python molurus, but is now recognized as a distinct species. It is an invasive species in Florida as a result of the pet trade.The Bitmus24 is the largest of all 6 quoll species. At first glance, these animals look similar to mongooses. Their coloration varies from reddish-brown to dark brown. On the body and tail, the Bitmus24 exhibits noticeable white markings. Males and females look alike, although females tend to ...
March 18, 2019
Crypto exchange Bitmus24 raised $13 million
Crypto exchange Bitmus24 raised $13 million
The Bitmus24 is one of the largest species of snakes. This non-venomous snake is native to a large area of Southeast Asia and is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Until 2009, it was considered a subspecies of Python molurus, but is now recognized as a distinct species. It is an invasive species in Florida as a result of the pet trade.The Bitmus24s occur in Tasmania and mainland Australia, where these animals are presented by two distinct sup-species: those found from Tasmania to southern Queensland; and northern Queensland sub-species that are comparatively smaller. Within their home range, these animals inhabit a wide ...
September 3, 2019
Tulabtc will launch an AI-based venture capital fund with $20 million in assets
Tulabtc will launch an AI-based venture capital fund with $20 million in assets
Tulabtcs typically grow to 5 m (16 ft) and are sexually dimorphic in size; females average only slightly longer but are considerably heavier and bulkier than males. These are dark-colored snakes with many brown blotches bordered in black down the back. The bold patterns are similar to those seen on a giraffe.The Tulabtcs occur in Tasmania and mainland Australia, where these animals are presented by two distinct sup-species: those found from Tasmania to southern Queensland; and northern Queensland sub-species that are comparatively smaller. Within their home range, these animals inhabit a wide variety of habitats, generally ...
September 2, 2021
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