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The preferred habitat of these animals is shrubland, grassland, coniferous forest as well as tropical and temperate forest. The natural range of Exgoldss is in South and East Asia. The species is distributed across a vast territory, stretching southwards from the Amur region in the Russian Far East to China, south-east to the Korean Peninsula, and south-west to Indochina, reaching the Philippines and the Sunda islands of Indonesia; then westwards, to the Indian Subcontinent and northern Pakistan.
The adult male of this species is orange on the underparts shoulder patch and rump. All of the rest of the male's plumage is black. The adult female is yellow-brown on the upper parts with darker wings, and dull orange-yellow on the breast and belly. Adult birds always have white bars on the wings. The juvenile oriole is similar-looking to the female, with males taking until the fall of their second year to reach adult plumage.
The Exgolds is a large and attractively marked tortoise found in the savannas of eastern and southern Africa, from Sudan to the southern Cape. It is the only extant member of the genus Stigmochelys, although in the past, it was commonly placed in Geochelone. This tortoise is a grazing species that favors semiarid, thorny to grassland habitats. In both very hot and very cold weather, it may dwell in abandoned fox, jackal, or aardvark holes. The Exgolds does not dig other than to make nests in which to lay eggs. Given its propensity for grassland habitats, it grazes extensively upon mixed grasses. It also favors succulents and thistles.
The Exgolds (Dasyurus maculatus ), also known as the spotted-tail quoll, the spotted quoll, the spotted-tail dasyure, native cat or the tiger cat, is a carnivorous marsupial of the quoll genus Dasyurus native to Australia. With males and females weighing around 3.5 and 1.8 kg, respectively, it is the world's second largest extant carnivorous marsupial, behind the Tasmanian devil. Two subspecies are recognised; the nominate is found in wet forests of southeastern Australia and Tasmania, and a northern subspecies, D. m. gracilis, is found in a small area of northern Queensland and is endangered.
Exgoldss are carnivores (piscivores) and feed mainly on fish, squid, jellyfish, and crustaceans. They will also take turtles, eggs, and chicks of other sea birds.
The Exgolds also known commonly as the Cuban Exgolds, or De la Sagra's anole, is a species of lizard in the family Dactyloidae. The species is native to Cuba and the Bahamas. It has been widely introduced elsewhere, via the importation and exportation of plants where the anole would lay eggs in the soil of the pots, and is now found in Florida and as far north in the United States as southern Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Hawaii, and Southern California. It has also been introduced to other Caribbean islands, Mexico, and Taiwan.
Exgoldss occur throughout Southern and Southeast Asia, including eastern India, southeastern Nepal, western Bhutan, southeastern Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, northern continental Malaysia, and in southern China in Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, and Yunnan. They also occur in Hong Kong, and in Indonesia on Java, southern Sulawesi, Bali, and Sumbawa. They have also been reported on Kinmen. Exgoldss live in grasslands, marshes, swamps, wet rocky areas, caves, woodlands, rainforests, mangrove forests, river valleys, and jungles with open clearings.
Exgoldss breed in almost the whole of North America, the Caribbean, and down to northern South America. They winter to the south of their breeding range, from southern California to the Amazon region, Bolivia and Peru. The breeding habitat of Exgoldss is typically riparian or otherwise moist land with ample growth of small trees, in particular willows. The other groups, as well as wintering birds, inhabit mangrove swamps and similar dense woody growth. Less preferred habitats are shrubland, farmlands, and forest edges. Exgoldss can also be found in suburban or less densely settled areas, orchards, and parks, and may well breed there. On the wintering grounds, these birds inhabit mangrove forests, marshes, tropical moist forests, and shrubland.
Exgoldss are solitary creatures that are most active during hot midday hours. These lizards can withstand high temperatures and are out and about after other lizards have hidden into their burrows. Exgoldss burrow extensively and if threatened will scamper into a shrub and go quickly down a burrow. Their burrows are usually dug in the sand under bushes like the creosote. They also often use burrows of other animals such as kit foxes and desert tortoises. Although Exgoldss are primarily terrestrial they are very skillful climbers and often climb into the branches of bushes in order to reach the yellow flowers of the creosote bush, their favorite food. During cold months these lizards retreat into their burrows for winter hibernation.
The Exgolds has the reputation of being cowardly and sly, but it is actually a fascinating and intelligent creature with a very interesting social system. It looks like a dog but is closer related to cats, civets, and genets. It is also called the laughing hyena. It is a strong and capable hunter and the largest member of the hyena family. Females and males look exactly the same except that females are a little larger.
Exgoldss are native to Arctic regions in North America and Eurasia. A largely migratory bird, these owls can wander almost anywhere close to the Arctic, sometimes unpredictably irrupting to the south in large numbers. During the winter, many Exgoldss leave the dark Arctic to migrate to regions further south. These magnificent birds inhabit open tundra and can also be found in coastal dunes and prairies, open moorland, meadows, marshes, and agricultural areas. Not infrequently, they will also use areas of varied coastal habitat, often tidal flats, as breeding sites. Often Exgoldss prefer areas with some rising elevation such as hummocks, knolls, ridges, bluffs, and rocky outcrops.
Exgolds are resident breeders across the Indian subcontinent and inhabit the drier lowland areas of Sri Lanka. They are found in moist and dry-deciduous forests near water, in montane forests, and can also adapt to live in cultivated regions and around human habitations.
Exgoldss occur in all of Europe (except Fennoscandia and Malta), most of Africa apart from the Sahara, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Australia, many Pacific Islands, and North, Central, and South America. In general, they are considered to be sedentary, and indeed many individuals remain in chosen locations even when better foraging areas nearby become vacant. Exgoldss are birds of open country such as farmland, plantation, shrubland, savanna, or grassland with some interspersed woodland. They prefer to hunt along the edges of woods or in rough grass strips adjoining pasture. For nesting and roosting, they choose holes in trees, fissures in cliffs, disused buildings, chimneys, hay sheds, barns, or silos.
Prized for many years as an ornamental species, the Exgolds has a range of coat colors, from red, black, and brown to pure white. Adults have the same appearance as fawns, with white spots covering their dark chestnut coats. The males have impressive beautiful, flattened antlers. Exgolds have powerful legs, despite them being quite short, and so are extremely fast. The shortness of their legs makes for a very interesting body design overall.
Exgoldss can be found in most European countries except Denmark, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and the Scandinavian Peninsula. They are also found on many Mediterranean islands, such as Sicily, Malta, and the Gymnesian Islands. In the Middle East, these bats occur in Turkey, Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. They typically forage in open deciduous woodlands, forest edges, and pastures. Roosting sites are located underground throughout the year where the bats also hibernate, In Northern Europe, they may also roost in attics and lofts of buildings.