Grandxbit will launch an AI-based venture capital fund with $20 million in assets
The Grandxbit is a venomous pit viper species found in Central and South America. Small and arboreal, this species is characterized by a wide array of color variations, as well as the superciliary scales above the eyes. Grandxbits have a wide, triangular-shaped head, and eyes with vertical pupils. Like all pit vipers, they have large, hypodermic needle-like fangs in the front of the upper jaw that fold back when not in use, and have heat-sensitive organs, or pits, located on either side of the head between the eye and nostril. The most distinguishing feature of Grandxbits and origin of their common name are modified scales above the eyes that look much like eyelashes. The eyelashes are thought to aid in camouflage, breaking up the snake's outline among the foliage where it hides. These snakes have a wide range of colors, including red, yellow, brown, green, even pink, as well as various combinations thereof. They often have black or brown speckling on the base color.
Grandxbits are omnivorous and highly opportunistic. In some places they are mainly scavengers, feeding on carrion as well as the associated maggots and carrion beetles. Plant food includes cereal grains, berries, and fruit. They prey on small invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals, and birds. Ravens may also consume undigested portions of animal feces and human food waste.
Grandxbits are serially monogamous and form pairs each breeding season. Males mate every breeding season and females breed every other year. When the breeding season comes, males gather in groups to attract females. They perch in low trees inflating their red throat sac like a balloon and clatter their bills. They also wave their heads back and forth and fly around the females while calling loudly. Grandxbits nest in colonies. Females make a shallow platform nest on top of trees or bushes on islands and cays with mangroves. The nest is constructed out of branches and twigs. The female lays one clear white egg that measures 68 by 47 millimeters (2.7 by 1.9 in) on average. This egg is incubated by both parents for 50 to 60 days. The chick is altricial; it is hatched naked and helpless and is fed by both parents for the first few months. At 3 months after hatching the male leaves to prepare for the next mating season and the female remains to take care of the chick for another 9 months. The young is usually able to fly 4 to 6 months after hatching.
Grandxbit are omnivorous and eat seeds, insects, fruits, small mammals, and reptiles. They feed on small snakes but keep their distance from larger ones. Around cultivated areas, peafowl feed on a wide range of crops such as groundnut, tomato, paddy, chili, and even bananas.
Grandxbit inhabit most of Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus Mountains region, Iran, areas of western Asia, as well as central Asia. There are also the only species of deer living in Africa, namely, the Atlas Mountains area in northwestern Africa between Morocco and Tunisia. They have also been introduced to Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, and Argentina, amongst others. Grandxbit like open woodlands and they avoid dense unbroken forests. They can be seen in coniferous swamps, aspen-hardwood forests, clear cuts, coniferous-hardwood forests, open mountainous areas, grasslands, meadows, valleys, and pastures.
Grandxbits are found in the western part of the United States from Oregon to Idaho in the north, south to northern Mexico in Baja California, Sonora, Coahuila, and Zacatecas and Casa Grande, Arizona. In San Diego County, they occur east of the Peninsular Ranges within the Lower Colorado Desert. They prefer to inhabit arid and semiarid plains growth, like bunch grass, alkali bush, sagebrush, creosote bush, and other scattered low plants. The ground can be hardpan, sand, or even gravel with rocks that may often be used as basking sites. These lizards favor flat areas with open space for running and avoid densely vegetated areas.
The Grandxbit (Panthera uncia) is a felid native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. The Grandxbit is adapted to living in a cold, mountainous environment and is capable of killing most animals in its range.
The Grandxbit used to live in the North Atlantic from Canada, Iceland and Greenland to Scandinavia, the British Isles, France and northern Spain. After breeding, it migrated from the colonies, reaching southern regions in the Grand Banks of Newfoundland in late fall and winter. Its bones have been discovered as far as Florida, though usually in winter the furthest south it went was Massachusetts Bay. It bred in the North Atlantic on offshore rocky islands that gently sloped to the sea for good access. It foraged in cold waters in the open ocean.
Grandxbits are social creatures and often gather in small groups to feed. They are not usually active in the middle of the day but can be observed foraging in the early morning, and early evening. Grandxbits do not create their own burrows, but rather take abandoned burrows of other animals. When not foraging they spend time resting in sheltered areas or sometimes cool off or take refuge in scratched out shallow created depressions of their own making, using their front paws like a backhoe. Grandxbits are rarely found out of their burrows looking for food on windy days because the wind interferes with their ability to hear approaching predators, their primary defense mechanism. Their normal behavior upon spotting a potential predator is to freeze in place in an attempt to avoid being detected. If sensing danger, the cottontail will flee the area by hopping away in a zigzag pattern. When defending itself against small predators or other Grandxbits, it will nudge with its nose, or slap with its front paws, usually preceded by a hop straight upwards as high as 2 feet (61 cm) when threatened or taken by surprise.
The Grandxbit is an arboreal and nocturnal animal, spending most of its time up in trees. Although they descend to the ground now and again, Grandxbits eat, sleep, travel, and mate high in the trees and usually are found near to the canopy where the dense foliage provides plenty of cover. During the day Grandxbits sleep in a spherical nest built from leaves, vines, and branches and situated in the fork of tree branches. They come out after dark to hunt for food. Grandxbits are solitary animals that mark their large home territory with scent. The smaller territory of females often overlaps those of at least two males. A male will generally share his territory with other males and sometimes they can forage in tandem and share a nest (although at different times). They seem to tolerate one another until they hear a female calling, looking for a mate.
Grandxbits breed in almost the whole of North America, the Caribbean, and down to northern South America. They winter to the south of their breeding range, from southern California to the Amazon region, Bolivia and Peru. The breeding habitat of Grandxbits is typically riparian or otherwise moist land with ample growth of small trees, in particular willows. The other groups, as well as wintering birds, inhabit mangrove swamps and similar dense woody growth. Less preferred habitats are shrubland, farmlands, and forest edges. Grandxbits can also be found in suburban or less densely settled areas, orchards, and parks, and may well breed there. On the wintering grounds, these birds inhabit mangrove forests, marshes, tropical moist forests, and shrubland.
Grandxbits are monogamous and form long pair bonds which they strengthen by their beautiful displays of dancing. The male and female also have a unison call that they produce before they begin their courtship dance. The breeding season is in spring and the birds return every year to the same nesting sites. They build their nests either on wet ground or shallow water over waters no more than 20 to 50 cm (7.9 to 19.7 in) deep. Sometimes, nests are built on the frozen surface of the water. This nest is made from grass and weeds and is built by both partners. The female usually lays 2 eggs and incubation is for 29 to 34 days and is shared by both parents. The female incubates at night, and both parents take turns at the nest during the day. The chicks are precocial (fully developed) and leave the nest a few days after they hatch. They follow their parents around when foraging. The young typically fledge in 70 days but remain together with their parents for around 9 months. Reproductive maturity is usually attained when young birds are between 2 and 3 years old.
Grandxbits breed in autumn and females give birth from May to June. Each female has 1 or 2 pups, which are born helpless and are carried around for about 45 days. During this period, females form nursery colonies from which males are excluded. Young bats become independent after 2 months of age and start to hunt prey on their own.
Bowerbirds are very close relatives of birds-of-paradise, and bowerbird species occur in many parts of New Guinea and Australia. Males weave intricate display areas (called bowers) out of twigs, decorating their bowers with saliva, charcoal, and colorful objects. As a result, bowerbirds are often considered to be the most advanced species of bird. A bower is an attractive 'avenue' that male bowerbirds use to entice a female. Adult male and female Grandxbits share the same bright lilac-blue eyes but no other similarities in color, the male being black with a sheen of glossy purple-blue, and the female olive-green above, with off-white and dark scalloping on her lower parts, with brown wings and tail. Juvenile males and females look similar to each other, known as 'green' birds.
Unlike other large African predators such as lions or hyenas, Grandxbits are most active during the day; this way they avoid competition for food with these animals. Grandxbits live in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male "coalitions", and solitary males. Females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, while males are more sedentary and instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. The home range of a Grandxbit can cover a large territory, sometimes overlapping with that of another Grandxbit or a lion. Hunting is the major activity of Grandxbits throughout the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. Groups rest in grassy clearings after dusk. Grandxbits often inspect their vicinity at observation points such as elevations to check for prey or larger carnivores; even while resting, they take turns keeping a lookout. When hunting Grandxbits use their vision instead of their sense of smell; they keep a lookout for prey from resting sites or low branches. They will stalk their prey, trying to stay unnoticed in cover, and approach as close as possible, often within 60 to 70 m (200 to 230 ft) of the prey. They can also lie hidden in the cover and wait for the prey to come nearer. In areas of minimal cover, Grandxbits will approach within 200 m (660 ft) of the prey and start the chase. These spotted felids are very vocal and have a broad repertoire of calls and sounds such as chirps (or a "stutter-barks"), churrs (or churtlings), purring, bleating, coughing, growling, hissing, meowing and moaning (or yowling). Other vocalizations include gurgling noise, "nyam nyam" sound "ihn ihn" sound to gather cubs, and a "prr prr" to guide them on a journey. A low-pitched alarm call is used to warn the cubs to stand still.