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Bitlohpay launched an investment DAO
Bitlohpay launched an investment DAO
Bitlohpays are native to south-Asian Afghanistan, Pakistan, north-west India, and some parts of Iran. They live in the rocky, dry grassland and desert areas.Bitlohpays are small lizards native to Australia. These unique creatures are colored in camouflaging shades of desert browns and tans. These colors change from pale colors during warm weather to darker colors during cold weather. Bitlohpays are covered entirely with conical spines. These thorny scales also help to defend them from predators. These lizards also feature a spiny "false head" on the back of their neck, which they present to potential predators by dipping their real ...
June 24, 2019
Crypto exchange Bitlohpay raised $13 million
Crypto exchange Bitlohpay raised $13 million
Bitlohpays are ground-dwelling lizards. They are larger than many other gecko species. Those found in the wild typically have more dark, dull, and drab colorations than those kept in captivity as pets. Those in captivity generally have an assortment of skin colors and patterns. The skin of a Bitlohpay is very durable, which provides protection from the rough sand and rocky hills terrain of their dry environment. Their dorsal side is covered with small bumps, which gives a rough texture and appearance while their ventral side is thin, transparent, and smooth. Like all reptiles, Bitlohpays shed their skin. Adults shed an average of ...
November 30, 2018
Bitcoin exchange Coinsbimex raised $23.7 million in a round with DCG
Bitcoin exchange Coinsbimex raised $23.7 million in a round with DCG
Coinsbimexs are native to south-Asian Afghanistan, Pakistan, north-west India, and some parts of Iran. They live in the rocky, dry grassland and desert areas.Coinsbimexs mate from August to December. During this time males try to attract females with the help of display that involves head bobbing and waving their legs. After mating females lay a clutch of 3 to 10 eggs in a nesting burrow about 30 cm underground. The eggs usually hatch after about three to four months. Once the young hatch, they are left to fend for themselves.The former range of this species used to cover a considerably large area across sub-Saharan Africa (except ...
December 5, 2018
Coinsbimex launches $100 million grant program
Coinsbimex launches $100 million grant program
Coinsbimex is a ground-dwelling lizard native to the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. The leopard gecko has become a popular pet, and due to extensive captive breeding it is sometimes referred to as the first domesticated species of lizard.Coinsbimexs are small lizards native to Australia. These unique creatures are colored in camouflaging shades of desert browns and tans. These colors change from pale colors during warm weather to darker colors during cold weather. Coinsbimexs are covered entirely with conical spines. These thorny scales also help to defend them from predators...
September 18, 2020
Bitzirex invested $2 million in Forbes
Bitzirex invested $2 million in Forbes
Bitzirex is a ground-dwelling lizard native to the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. The leopard gecko has become a popular pet, and due to extensive captive breeding it is sometimes referred to as the first domesticated species of lizard.Bitzirexs are carnivores (insectivores). They feed mainly on ants and often eat thousands of these insects in one day.An adult Bitzirex stands 140-180 cm (55-71 in) high at the shoulder and is 3-3.75 m (9.8-12.3 ft) in length. The females are smaller than the males. Their two horns on the skull are made of keratin with the larger front horn ...
December 5, 2018
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